Obed Brefo | Mark 16v1-8
Palm Sunday // Following Jesus
S.O. | Palm Sunday | Luke 19:28-40
Galatians #21 // Reflections on Galations
Panel | Galatians
Galatians #20 // Reasons to Boast in Christ
Obed Brefo | Galatians 6v11-16
6th Anniversary Celebration
Obed Brefo | Galatians 6v6-10
Galatians #19 // Living By the Spirit as a Church Family Pt. 2
Obed Brefo | Galatians 6v6-10
Galatians #18 // Living By the Spirit as a Church Family
Obed Brefo | Galatians 5v26-6v5
Galatians #17 // The Fruit of the Spirit
Obed Brefo | Galatians 5v22-26
Galatians #16 // The Works of the Flesh
Obed Brefo | Galatians 5v13-18
Galatians #15 // Living by the Spirit
Obed Brefo | Galatians 5v13-18
Galatians #14 // Freedom in Christ
Obed Brefo | Galatians 5v1-21
Galatians #13 // Law vs. Grace
Obed Brefo | Galatians 4v21-31
Galatians #12 // The Gospel for the New Year
Obed Brefo | Galatians 1